Nuova mail truffa di vendita domini

Domainnamewire ci avvisa di una nuova truffa legata al mondo dei domini.

Il finto venditore cercherà di vendervi un dominio che non possiede, allettandovi con proposte economiche particolarmente allettanti.

Si tratta di un caso vero e proprio di cybercrime: nel caso riceviate una mail simile, segnalatela come spam o come phishing.

from Mark Allen
date Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:42 AM
subject Offer for your domain (

We are interested to buy your domain name ( and offer to buy it from you for 70% of the appraised market value.

As of now we accept appraisals from either one of the following leading appraisal companies:

If you already have an appraisal please forward it to us.

As soon as we have received your appraisal we will send you our payment (we use paypal for amounts less than $2,000 and for amounts above $2,000) as well as further instructions on how to complete the transfer of the domain name.

We appreciate your business,

Yours truly,

Mark Allen